We've built a downloadable worksheet you can use to self-test your integrations, from cash recyclers and dispensers to check printers, so you can easily find out if your branches are optimized for the best client and employee experience.

Use this download to:

  • Discover if you have business continuity and if your branch is cost-effective, or if there are flaws in your technologies, which drive up costs.
  • Identify the gaps in your cash automation systems to discover cost-savings and experience-improving opportunities.  
  • Save time and money testing your branch integrations on your own rather than paying for a full-blown technology audit, which you may not even need.

We've Made Core Integration Fun

Integrating all your branch technologies and hardware into your core can feel like a maze: it is easy to feel lost, find yourself trapped at a dead end, and/or make a wrong turn or two. If you’re feeling turned around when navigating your branch technology integrations, take a step back and have some (educational) fun escaping this puzzle instead.  

Directions: Your objective is to travel through the maze connecting all of the different hardware, systems, and platforms that need to be integrated into your core for maximum branch efficiency.

Download Maze (no form required!)